dass du ja eigentlich gar nicht so schön bist

mit jedem jahr zusätzlicher bildung steigt die statistisch auf hintergrundvariablen kontrollierte sprachkompetenz um drei prozent. ist es in zeiten der absoluten berechenbarkeit nicht wunderbar, dass das menschliche wissen vor den formeln der liebe weiterhin kapitulieren muss? philipp poisel, "mit jedem deiner fehler". dank je petra.


mosquitos in summer

she is intimacy. i can hardly think of other voices in alternative music, creating such an intense feeling as the one of lisa hannigan. her duets with damien rice were a fragile dance on pins and needles, one small step from the edge, vulnerable like mosquitos in summer. in october she is going to release her solo debut, whose few demo tracks are available on herspace. besides, i wanna recommend you two songs, which haunt through the internet: "last leaf" and "blurry (live @ RTE 2007)". overwhelming.



in my opinion, the best german album title since olli schulz' "brichst du mir das herz, dann brech ich dir die beine": max müller, "die nostalgie ist auch nicht mehr das was sie früher einmal war".



remember the old days: radiohead releasing "the bends", an early and consisting classic of modern guitar sound, garnished with extraordinary strings parts. responsible: former radiohead violinist, john matthias, who had written classical music later on, which now was remixed by artists like the verve, beta band, the good the bad & the queen and...... old buddy thom yorke. to be streamed here.


in between within

there was a long text planned to follow. thoughts about worlds without guests. places within us. no use: i don't know how your worlds look like. how could i? i don't even know mine properly..... but i know its music: archive "lights". 18 minutes of pure, wonderful solitude. to be found here.